Qing Zhang
Associate Professor
310, Integrated Science Research Building, School of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Peking University.
Postdoctoral Fellow (2011–2016) Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(Advisor: Prof. Qihua Xiong)
Tsinghua University, China (2010) Ph.D. in Physics
(Supervisor: Prof. Qikun Xue/Jinfeng Jia)
University of Science and Technology of China (2005) B.Sc. in Materials Physics
Associate Professor Peking University, China
Assistant Professor Peking University, China
Outstanding Teaching Award, Peking University 2023
Beijing Outsanding Young Scholar Funding, 2021
NR45 Young Innovators Award, Nano Research, 2021
World's Top 2% Scientists, 2020
Bank of Beijing Annual Teacher Award, Peking University, 2019
Nanochemistry Edge-cutting Award, Chinese Chemical Society-Wiley, Small, 2018
Second Prize and the Best Lesson Plan Award, Teaching Skills Competition for Junior Teachers, Peking University, 2018
Boya Assistant Professor, Peking University, 2017
Associate Director, Institute of Optoelectronic Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, PKU (Since 2024)
Member of academic degrees subcommittee , School of Materials Science and Engineering, PKU (Since 2022)
Editoral Board Member, Journal of Physics: Photonics (IOP publising, since 2022)
Editoral Board Member, Chinese Laser Journal (since 2022)
Early Career Editorial Board Member, Frontiers of Physics (since 2022)
Early Career Editorial Board Member, Chinese Journal of Luminescence (since 2021)
Lead Guest Editor of “Perovskite Photonics” Issue (2020) in Photonics Research;
Guest Editor of “Optical Gain Materials Towards Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction” Issue (2020) in Science China Materials (playing the leading role);
Guest Editor of “Semiconductor Laser” Issue (2020) in Chinese Laser Journal;
Early Career Editorial Board Member, Materials Today Physics (2021-present);
Early Career Editorial Board Member, Journal of Semiconductor (2020-present);
Council member of Chinese Materials Research Society-Youth Branch (2017-present);
Chair of Room Temperature Exciton-Polaritons and Polaritonic Devices Session, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hang Zhou, China (PIERS 2021);
Co-chair of Optical Gain Materials Towards Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction Session, in the 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore(MRS-S, ICMAT 2019);
Co-chair of Nanolaser Session, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Toyama, Japan, (PIERS 2018);
Co-chair of Nanocharacterizations and Standard Session, ChinaNano 2021 (played the managing role);
Co-chair of Semiconductor Laser and Advanced Optoelectronic Devices Session, The 16th National Symposium for Laser Technology and Optoelectronics, Shanghai, China (LTO 2021);
Programme Committee member of Plasmonics and Metamaterials Session, The 14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PacRim 2020);
Programme Committee member of Advanced 2D and Nanocarbon Materials for Photonics and Energy Session, The 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PacRim 2022);
Proposal reviewer for National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Science and Technology;
Referee service for Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, ACS Photonics, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials, Matter, etc.
Since 2016, she has independently undertaken two courses with 96 class hours/per year and 6 credits/per year.
Materials Physics (undergraduate, compulsory course, 3 scores per year)
Fundamentals and Applications of Optical Spectroscopies (graduate, optional course,3 scores per year)
Qing Zhang, M.L. Li and Q.Y. Shang, One fabrication method of ultra-thin monocrystalline perovskite nanoribbon, Patent No. 202010578301.8, Granted on 2021.05.24.
Qing Zhang, M.L. Li and Q.Y. Shang, Preparation and application for a multi-cation perovskite film with high optical gain, Patent No. 202010578603.5, Granted on 2021.07.12.
Qing Zhang, Q.Y. Shang and M.L. Li, Preparing method and application for a perovskite micro/nano-structure, Patent No. 202010578601.6, Granted on 2021.08.27.